Our website uses cookies. By selecting “I accept cookies”, you consent to the use of cookies. Cookies make using our website easy, fast and user-friendly. Cookies also allow us to develop our business. Cookies are small text files that are stored by the browser on your device. Cookies are stored on the user’s device only by the website visited by the user. Only the server that sent the cookie can later read and use the cookie. Cookies and other technologies do not cause harm to the user’s device or files, and cookies cannot be used to access applications or spread malware. The user’s identity cannot be determined by cookies alone. Cookies are divided into subgroups: essential cookies, functionality cookies, product development and business reporting, advertising reporting and targeted advertising. Essential cookies cannot be blocked. They relate to data security and enabling the site’s function. Essential cookies do not contain identifiable personal data. Our website uses some third-party tools or extensions that are relevant for the service’s function: Social media or video service embeds and social media like and share functions on the website may collect information about the website’s users to recommend content or track the number of visitors, for example. We use cookies from third parties such as Google and Facebook. Cookies track the use of our website, and this data can be combined with other information. If you do not allow these cookies, you will not receive targeted advertising from our company. Cookies used to develop the service allow us to track visits and sources of traffic in order to measure and improve the performance of our website. Cookies enable us to develop our service for the benefit of our customers. If you do not allow these cookies, we cannot know when you have visited our website and we cannot monitor your activities on the site. These cookies do not contain identifiable personal data. If you wish, you can block non-essential cookies or restrict the use of cookies and delete existing cookies through the cookie banner on our website. For more about cookies and Finnish cookie recommendations, visit Traficom’s website. We reserve the right to update our cookie policies as the result of developing our services or mandatory legislation, for example.