
Anspalkkio Oy Asemapäällikönkatu 2B, 00520 Helsinki, Finland Business ID: 3255852-7 In addition, Suomen Järjestömarkkinointi Oy (2449006-7) is the controller insofar as it has defined the purpose and means of processing personal data and processes the personal data you have provided in its activities.

Controller’s contact person

Kai Vavuli

Name of data file

Palkkioplus user register

Purpose of processing personal data

The purpose of processing personal data is to provide the light entrepreneurship service to persons registered for the service.

  • Joining the service and, if necessary, checking the validity of licences from the data subject’s member union
  • Management and development of customer relationships, communication with customers and marketing activities, and marketing and opinion surveys

Personal data is processed for customer service purposes and for the management and development of the service, such as:

  • Handling of tax issues: Withholding taxes
  • User and login information in the service
  • Customer registration
  • Customer service tasks
  • Customer satisfaction surveys, feedback
  • Fulfilment of obligations based on the law and regulations and guidelines issued by the authorities

Content of the data file

Data entered by users, such as

  • Customer’s name, home address, phone number, email address, personal identity code, date and place of birth and nationality
  • Work-related administrative information: Username, account number, credit report, business prohibitions and debt recovery enforcement orders
  • Information about whether the customer consents to marketing newsletters
  • Member union reported by the customer

We process sensitive personal data only when necessary for carrying out contractual or statutory rights and obligations to the extent permitted or required by law.

Regular sources of personal data

Data is obtained from data subjects themselves and, with the consent of the data subject, from the member union. In addition, personal data is collected from various data-generating systems (information systems), authorities and public sources of data (Tax Administration, Trade Register, Legal Register Centre, service)

Regular disclosures of data

Anspalkkio Oy and its subcontractor, Suomen Järjestömarkkinointi Oy, have the right to process data entered into the service by users. Data may also be disclosed to the extent permitted and required by law to those who need it, such as tax authorities and other similar authorities. In addition, data may be disclosed to service providers and suppliers of IT systems that process personal data on behalf of the controller and in accordance with its instructions (such as information systems, bank, insurance company). In addition to the above, data may be disclosed with the consent of the data subject to parties whom the consent concerns. When personal data is disclosed to authorities, partners or service providers, the controller always strives to ensure that the personal data is processed in accordance with the obligation of professional secrecy and the privacy obligations of the contract.

Transfers of data outside the EU or the European Economic Area

No data is transferred outside the EU or EEA countries.

Principles of data protection

The data file is protected from external access, and the processing of personal data is monitored. Access to the data file is limited to specific persons. All persons with access to the data file are bound by an obligation of confidentiality.

Retention period of data

As a rule, personal data of data subjects in the data file is retained for the duration of the customer service relationship. The personal data of data subjects is deleted when ten (10) years have passed since the last customer event, unless further retention of the data or part of it is necessary for the purposes of criminal investigation, pending legal proceedings or to safeguard the rights of the controller or its employees. Personal data may be stored for a longer period of time if this is necessary to fulfil a legal or other regulatory obligation, such as obligations under the Accounting Act. If the data subject revokes the consent they have previously given upon completion of the customer relationship, data that is not necessary to retain in accordance with the law or regulations or guidelines of the authorities is erased from the data file.

Rights of data subjects

All customers have the right to know what personal data about them is stored in the customer register of the Palkkioplus service. Data subjects have the right to access their data free of charge once per calendar year. Requests to access the data must be sent in writing to the following address: Anspalkkio Oy / Kai Vavuli, Asemapäällikönkatu 12B 00520 Helsinki, Finland Requests must be signed personally. The data to be provided in response to the request for access is delivered in writing by mail to the address of the person specified in the data file. Customers have the right to request the rectification of inaccurate personal data. Requests to rectify data must be made in writing to the address stated above.